And it was decided…

Italy or Bust (3)

Art credit: Lauryn Stewart

So, we’re doing it.  We’re going on a 30 day motorcycle trip to Italy in May-June, 2017!

Do what? (Tennessee joke) Wait, what? Why? How?  We decided to blog about the whole process – from preparation and planning to our experiences on the trip.

I’ll start with the “why”?

For many years, Kevin and I have wanted to travel to Italy.  For years, we have loved motorcycle riding.  Why not motorcycle through Italy?  Seems reasonable.

Kevin and I have talked over the years about retirement, when we thought it would happen, what it would be like and what WE would be like.  We’ve reflected on people that we know who have retired and those that did not have the chance to.  We’ve watched friends work their whole lives, working to hit this imaginary line that says it’s okay to let loose, travel and live.  We’ve observed that those folks can’t do at 70 what they could do at 40.  We can’t be sure of what tomorrow holds, so we have to be purposeful about today.

If our 2010 motorcycle accident taught us anything – life can change in an instant.  Like the title of Kevin’s post about the accident, It’s not If, it’s when…the question was not IF we would go to Italy, it was when.  So, years ago, I started socking away money, saving for the eventual day.  And, it’s finally here.

So there is.  The “why” of 30 days on a motorcycle in Italy.  Why not?

We hope you’ll tag along with us through the preparation and the trip.  We can’t promise that we’ll blog weekly or monthly.  After this, we can’t promise that we’ll blog again until the next big trip.  Regardless, we hope you enjoy experiencing what we do… RollingOnTwo.


Stephanie and Kevin

5 thoughts on “And it was decided…

  1. I’m excited for both of you! Since the hdrider guy is not currently traveling I need something else to read while I drink my morning joe.


  2. My turn to be the follower on a travel blog. I’m really looking forward to reading about your adventure, to seeing incredible pictures, and to keeping up with good friends who are doing the right thing at the right time. I’m sure you “can’t wait to get on the road again.”


  3. Can’t wait to follow you two on your trip to Italy. You are right on about starting this while you are young! Ron and I wish we had started traveling years earlier. Bon Voyage and we’ll enjoy following the trip along with you as you enjoy your experiences.


  4. I love this!! I can’t wait to follow along with you two and see the pictures and hear all about the experiences. Safe travels you two and have the time of your life. You are so right, we never know what tomorrow has in store for us so as the saying goes “live each day as if it was your last”. We love you guys.


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